Application for Detail Breakdown Trading Data Service (Cancellation)
Please fill it out and press "Confirm." Thank you.
Customer (Company) Name
Department / Person in Charge
Phone Number
IP Address to be Cancelled
Preferred Effective Date for Cancellation
YYYYMMDD. You may not obtain the data on and after the Effective Date.
The preferred date must be a date more than a month after this application.
Reasons for the Cancellation
Handling of Personal Information
Does the person providing personal information to JPX Market Innovation & Research, Inc. (JPXI) or the person authorized by the said person agrees to the followings?
JPXI will use the personal information for the following purposes:
To confirm your application;
To offer you with the Detail Breakdown Trading Data Service ("Service");
To send you information related to the Service; and
To improve the Service, to develop new services / products and to research and survey for those.
JPXI may share the personal information with Tokyo Stock Exchange, Inc., Japan Exchange Group, Inc., Osaka Exchange, Inc. and Japan Exchange Regulation.
The personal information will be handled in accordance with the followings
Handling of Personal Information
Plivacy Policy