Application for Detail Breakdown Trading Data Service (Cancellation)

Please fill it out and press "Confirm." Thank you.

Customer (Company) Name *

Department / Person in Charge*

Phone Number

E-mail *

IP Address to be Cancelled*

Preferred Effective Date for Cancellation *

YYYYMMDD. You may not obtain the data on and after the Effective Date.
The preferred date must be a date more than a month after this application.

Reasons for the Cancellation*

Handling of Personal Information *
Does the person providing personal information to JPX Market Innovation & Research, Inc. (JPXI) or the person authorized by the said person agrees to the followings?
  • JPXI will use the personal information for the following purposes:
    • To confirm your application;
    • To offer you with the Detail Breakdown Trading Data Service ("Service");
    • To send you information related to the Service; and
    • To improve the Service, to develop new services / products and to research and survey for those.
  • JPXI may share the personal information with Tokyo Stock Exchange, Inc., Japan Exchange Group, Inc., Osaka Exchange, Inc. and Japan Exchange Regulation.
  • The personal information will be handled in accordance with the followings