Start external distribution to the End-User (Direct & Indirect Acquisition)
Please fill in this form if you distribute the data externally.
Stop External Distribution to the End-User (Direct & Indirect Acquisition)
The End-User is only limited to the individuals. (Direct & Indirect Acquisition)
Please fill in this form if you distribute the data exterally.
If you distribute the data and the End-User is only limited to the individuals, please contact in advance.
Start distribution to the End-User not limited to the individuals (Direct & Indirect Acquisition).
Start Distribution to Secondary-DistributoriDirect Acquisitionj
Please fill in this form if you distribute the data externally and you acquire the data directly.
If "Yes" please list up the name of Secondary-Distributor below.
Change information of Secondary-Distributor (Direct Usage)
List of the Secondary-Distributor (Direct Acquisition)
Change information of Service Provider (Indirect Acquisition)
List of the Service Provider (Indirect Acquisition)
Please fill in this form if you distribute the data and in case of indirect acquisition.