Application for Detail Breakdown Trading Data Service (Change)

Please fill it out and press "Confirm." Thank you.

Preferred Effective Date –
We need at least seven business days for setting. Please fill in the date more than seven days from today.

Customer (Company) Name–

Service Type

Add Service Type?

Service Type to be added

Cancel Service Type?

Service Type to be cancelled

Emergency Contact
E-mail Address

Change Emergency Contact

Please indicate all available emails in this application.

E-mail 1

E-mail 2

E-mail 3


Name –


Phone Number

E-mail –

Bill to

Change "Bill to" Information



ZIP/Postal Code


Phone Number


IP Address

Change IP Address?

IP Address

If you have registered multiple IP addresses, please list not only IP addresses to be changed, but also all available IP address to be used.
If you would like to register IP addresses more than three, please contact in advance.
You cannot register IP address range.

Internal Usage

Start Affiliated Companies' Use?

If Yes, please contact in advance.

Stop Affiliated Companies' Use?

External Distribution

Start external distribution to the End-User (Direct & Indirect Acquisition)

Please fill in this form if you distribute the data externally.

Stop External Distribution to the End-User (Direct & Indirect Acquisition)

The End-User is only limited to the individuals. (Direct & Indirect Acquisition)

Please fill in this form if you distribute the data exterally.
If you distribute the data and the End-User is only limited to the individuals, please contact in advance.

Start distribution to the End-User not limited to the individuals (Direct & Indirect Acquisition).

Start Distribution to Secondary-DistributoriDirect Acquisitionj

Please fill in this form if you distribute the data externally and you acquire the data directly.
If "Yes" please list up the name of Secondary-Distributor below.

Change information of Secondary-Distributor (Direct Usage)

List of the Secondary-Distributor (Direct Acquisition)

Change information of Service Provider (Indirect Acquisition)

List of the Service Provider (Indirect Acquisition)

Please fill in this form if you distribute the data and in case of indirect acquisition.
Handling of Personal Information –
Does the person providing personal information to JPX Market Innovation & Research, Inc. (JPXI) or the person authorized by the said person agrees to the followings?
  • JPXI will use the personal information for the following purposes:
    • To confirm your application;
    • To offer you with the Detail Breakdown Trading Data Service ("Service");
    • To send you information related to the Service; and
    • To improve the Service, to develop new services / products and to research and survey for those.
  • JPXI may share the personal information with Tokyo Stock Exchange, Inc., Japan Exchange Group, Inc., Osaka Exchange, Inc. and Japan Exchange Regulation.
  • The personal information will be handled in accordance with the followings