Contract application form for FLEX Historical

Please fill it out and press "Confirm." Thank you.

Preferred Effective Date to start –

The preferred effective date must be at least 5 (five) business days from your application due to the systems preparation, etc..(YYYYMMDD)
Customer (Company) Name –

Service –
  Regular Service
In Regular Service, data for the last 30 days is available. the data is acquired by API based on Attachment 1 of Specifications.
  In All-period Service
In All-period Service, data is acquired by AWS S3 transfer based on Attachment 2 of Specifications. You need an AWS account and AWS CLI.
AWS account information

When you select the service for In All-period Data Service above, please enter customer's AWS account ID (12-digit number) and the name of AWS S3 bucket to copy the file to. For details, refer to Attachment 2 of Specifications.
When you select only the service for Regular Service above, this field can be left blank.

Emergency Contact

email addressi1j –

email addressi2j

email addressi3j

If you would like to use more than three e-mail address, please write them in the Notes.
The person who is in charge of Contract

Name –


Zip/Postal Code –

Address –

TEL –

email –

The billing address for usage fee

Same as "the person who is in charge of contract"

If checked, invoices will be sent to "the person who is in charge of contract". Otherwise, please fill in the contact information below.



Zip/Postal Code




CEO name of your company –

Address of the head office –

Use with affiliated companies–
    If Yes, please contact in advance.
External Distribution–
    If Yes, please contact in advance.
Handling of Personal Information –
Does the person providing personal information to JPX Market Innovation & Research, Inc. (JPXI) or the person authorized by the said person agrees to the followings?
  • JPXI will use the personal information for the following purposes:
    • To confirm your application;
    • To offer you with FLEX Historical Service ("Service");
    • To send you information related to the Service; and
    • To improve the Service, to develop new services / products and to research and survey for those.
  • JPXI may share the personal information with Japan Exchange Group, Inc., Tokyo Stock Exchange, Inc., Osaka Exchange, Inc., Tokyo Commodity Exchange, Inc., Japan Exchange Regulation and Japan Securities Clearing Corporation.
  • The personal information will be handled in accordance with the followings
Terms of the Service –
Does the above representative or the person authorized by the representative agrees the "Terms and Condistions for JPX Market Innovation & Research, Inc. Information Services" below?
Terms and Conditions for JPX Market Innovation & Research, Inc. Information Services