Reservation -First Time Ski Experience Reservation -First Time Ski Experience

Pricing (per person)
Half Day: "How-To" Lesson
(11:00 - 12:30)
One Day: "Challenge" Lesson
(11:00 - 12:30 - Lunch Break - 13:45 - 15:15)
  • Payment on credit card is required to secure the reservation.
  • This lesson is for ages 7 and above.
  • This lesson is exclusively for First-Time Skiers.
  • There will be up to 10 participants in a lesson group.
  • This Program includes rental fees for ski-set & wear-set.
  • This Program includes Lift-Passes for the lesson. (You may or may not use lifts in this lesson.)
  • Rental items are available until 5pm. Extension fee will be charged if you return the items after 5pm.
  • Cancellation fee will be charged. Please check the cancellation policy.
  • Start
  • 日付選択 Select Date
  • 詳細入力 Your Info
  • 決済 Payment

ご希望のレッスン Lesson Reservation

大人:13歳以上、  子ども:7-12歳、  幼児:4-6歳
Adult: Over 13,  Children: Ages 7-12,  Toddler: Ages 4-6
Toddlers of ages 4-6 can only take private lessons.
レンタルをご希望の場合はレンタル予約・お支払いが同時にできます。 By checking 'yes', you can reserve rental gears for the lesson participants and other group members.
  • レッスン料金 Lesson Price
*インターネットでのご予約にはクレジットカードでの支払いが必要です。 有効なクレジットカードをご準備の上、必要情報をご入力ください。
GMO Epsilon ブラウザの対応状況について:
*Credit card payment is required to make a reservation. Please prepare a valid credit card and fill in the following form.
*Your personal information is solely for use by us and will never be passed to, or sold to a third party.
*If your browser is out of date, you cannot proceed to the credit card payment page.
In order for us to process your form securely, you must ensure that your operating system and browser are upgraded to the latest version. You can find a full list of compatible browsers and operating systems. here:
ご登録される情報は、暗号化された通信(SSL)で保護され、 プライバシーマークやISO27001/JIS Q 27001, ISO20000-1, ISO9001の認証を取得している 株式会社パイプドビッツによる情報管理システム「スパイラル」で安全に管理されます。
レンタル予定場所 セレクト 1=h 2=o
ハイランド オリンピア 不明 全体
来場(○-○-○) 2025-2-2 41 127 29 197
2025-2-3 26 85 6 117
2025-2-4 18 48 5 71
2025-2-5 17 62 2 81
2025-2-6 26 56 4 86
2025-2-7 20 60 5 85
2025-2-8 33 89 14 136
2025-2-9 24 95 23 142
2025-2-10 29 89 8 126
2025-2-11 11 23 18 52
2025-2-12 8 51 0 59
2025-2-13 10 41 2 53
2025-2-14 6 19 0 25
2025-2-15 4 11 3 18
2025-2-16 2 15 10 27
2025-2-17 4 26 0 30
2025-2-18 8 17 0 25
2025-2-19 5 8 0 13
2025-2-20 0 13 0 13
2025-2-21 8 8 7 23
2025-2-22 4 15 8 27
2025-2-23 6 30 4 40
2025-2-24 3 19 5 27
2025-2-25 3 6 1 10
2025-2-26 1 11 2 14
2025-2-27 1 13 0 14
2025-2-28 0 15 0 15
2025-3-1 1 6 0 7
2025-3-2 2 5 0 7
2025-3-4 1 3 1 5
2025-3-5 0 3 0 3
2025-3-6 0 2 0 2
2025-3-7 1 5 0 6
2025-3-8 0 3 0 3
2025-3-9 0 2 1 3
2025-3-11 1 0 0 1
2025-3-12 0 1 0 1
2025-3-14 0 4 0 4
2025-3-15 0 2 1 3
2025-3-17 0 2 0 2
2025-3-19 0 1 0 1
2025-3-21 0 0 1 1
2026-2-6 1 0 0 1
2045-1-18 0 1 0 1
不明 0 0 0 0
全体 325 1,092 160 1,577
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名前 データを読み込む Load this data レッスンに参加する Lesson Participant