Application Form for "Application for Extension of Period of Stay"



"Application for Extension of Period of Stay (for organization)"*, one of necessary documents for visa extension, will be issued by the International Student Section.
*It will be "Application for Change of Status of Residence (for organization)" for those who are going to change their status of residence.
Please fill the form and submit to apply for it.

Only YNU students who have their valid YNU student ID card can apply.
If your student ID card is expired, please renew it first.
If you need to extend for longer than the expiration date of your student ID card,
or if you are not YNU student yet, you should not apply from this form.
Please contact the office of the college/graduate school where you belong to/will enroll instead.


氏名 Name

メールアドレス YNU email address


申請書類様式 Application form

Student ID Card 学生証

在留カード表面 Scan/picture of your residence card (front side)

在留カード裏面 Scan/picture of your residence card (back side)

入学許可書の写し(内部進学者で進学前に申請する場合にのみ提出) Acceptance letter (only if you are going to proceed to the next level of education at YNU and apply for the extension before your enrollment in the course.)

質問や連絡事項等ありましたらこちらにご入力ください。 If you have any questions or concerns, please use this field.

ご登録される情報は、スパイラル株式会社による情報管理システム「スパイラル バージョン1」にて安全に管理されます。