お問い合わせフォーム / Contact Us

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また、ご登録いただいた住所やE-mailアドレスなどに、日本経済新聞社からの事務連絡のほか、日本経済新聞社および日本経済新聞社グループ会社から、 各種ご案内(刊行物、展示会、セミナー等)やアンケート、広告主等の製品やサービスのご案内をさせていただく場合があります。

If you can’t find an answer to your question in the “Q&A” section, please contact us with the following information. You will hear back from us by e-mail.

Please note that the information that you enter, such as your address and e-mail address, may be used for communication from Nikkei Inc. It may also be used by Nikkei and its group companies for sending announcements (publications, exhibitions, seminars, etc.), questionnaires and information on the products and services of our advertisers.

Please read the following thoroughly and grant your consent before submitting the form.



当社はその事業を展開するための要ともいえる個人情報を扱うにあたって、ご本人の権利や利益を不当に侵害しないよう最大限配慮し、 尊重することが必要であり、責務であると位置づけています。 そのような観点から社内体制を整備し個人情報保護法等関係法令を順守します。


日本経済新聞社 代表取締役社長
長谷部 剛

1. 報道、著述の用に供する目的の個人情報の取り扱いについて

報道、著述の用に供する目的の個人情報は個人情報保護法における個人情報取扱事業者の義務規定の対象に含まれませんが、 同法の趣旨を尊重しつつ報道倫理等に照らし自主的に適切な取り扱いを徹底しています。

  1. 新聞の編集、発行
  2. 出版物の編集、発行
  3. インターネットや電子媒体等による新聞電子版等著作物、記事データベースの配信提供


2. 報道、著述の用に供する目的に該当しない個人情報の取り扱いについて

当社の報道機関としての活動を支えるため広い分野で展開している各種の事業活動において利用し報道、著述目的に当たらない個人情報については報道機関としての社会的役割を自覚しつつ厳正に取り扱います。 基本的には以下の取り扱い方針に沿って取り扱っています。

  1. 個人情報は利用目的をできる限り特定し、その範囲内で利用します。
  2. 個人情報の取得に際しては、法令による例外を除き利用目的をご本人にあらかじめ明示、または通知、ホームページ等で公表いたします。
  3. 取得は適正な方法で行い、データ内容は最新、正確な内容に保たれるよう努めます。
  4. 漏えい等を防止するためのデータセキュリティー対策や従業者、委託先の管理、監督などを含めた組織的、人的、物理的及び技術的な安全管理措置を適宜講じます。
  5. 法令で認められた場合や、個人情報保護委員会への届出などオプトアウトによる第三者提供の手続きをとっているものを除き、ご本人の同意なく個人データを第三者に提供しません。
  6. 「要配慮個人情報」はご本人の同意がある場合や法令で認められた場合を除き、取得しません。
  7. 「匿名加工情報」を第三者に提供することがありますが、氏名や住所などを削除して本人の特定ができないように加工したうえで提供します。
  8. 保有個人データに関する、ご本人からの開示等の請求については、法令に基づいて対応します。また個人情報の苦情に対しても社内体制を整備し適切に対応するよう努めます。
  9. 社内管理体制を適宜点検し、必要事項を講じていきます。

3. 番号法(行政手続における特定の個人を識別するための番号の利用等に関する法律)の個人番号及び特定個人情報(特定個人情報等)の取り扱いについて

  1. 番号法に従い、適正に特定個人情報等を取り扱います。
  2. 番号法に従い、特定個人情報等の取得及びその他関係事務を、外部に委託する場合があります。特定個人情報等を取得した場合は、番号法に定められた利用目的にのみ利用し、その他の目的で使用しません。


・「日本経済新聞 電子版」、そのほか日経IDを利用した情報提供サービス等について





・当社は、当社のサービスをより一層便利にお使いいただくために、「日本経済新聞 電子版」をはじめとして運営するウェブサイトを閲覧した利用者から、データを収集しています。




当社は衛星デジタル有料放送の免許取得者(CS委託放送事業者)であり、子会社の(株)日経シー・エヌ・ビー・シー(略称 日経CNBC)を通じて視聴者等の個人情報を取り扱っています。同事業における個人情報の取り扱いについては、 「衛星デジタル有料放送サービスにおける個人情報取り扱いについて」をご参照下さい。




■個人情報の利用目的の公表について (法第18条に基づきます)


  1. 新聞、書籍等の発行に伴う購読申し込み者などの購読・購入者管理
  2. 新聞、書籍・雑誌等の刊行物、インターネット等の広告事
  3. 各種セミナー、展示会、演奏会などの開催
  4. 電子メディア、データベース情報の提供事業(個人情報の第三者提供を含む)
  5. マーケティングのための読者等を対象としたアンケート、調査
  6. 当社外から委託を受けたデータ処理等の業務
  7. 上記の業務にともなう、各商品サービスの宣伝、勧誘等
  8. 取引先管理(法人取引先の担当者名、責任者名などを当該取引に関わる連絡等に使用)
  9. 従業者等の雇用管理・人事施策の実施
  10. ・従業者等の個人情報の取り扱いについては別途細目を定めています。なお、退職者については「退職者の個人情報の取り扱いについて(第三者提供を含む)」をご参照ください。


※ 公表事項は事業の実施に伴い適宜、追加・更新いたします。個人情報取り扱いについての考え方も必要に応じて更新します。


Position of Nikkei Inc. on the Handling of Personal Information

Nikkei Inc.(“Nikkei”) is an opinion and information media organization with newspaper publishing business at its core. In handling personal information, which constitutes a key element in the operation of its business, Nikkei considers it to be necessary, as well as its duty, to respect and to give due consideration to avoiding any unfair infringement upon the rights and interests of each principal who is identifiable by any given personal information, to the greatest extent possible. Based on such perspective, Nikkei will further develop its internal systems and comply with relevant laws and regulations, such as the Act on the Protection of Personal Information (the “Personal Information Protection Act”).

Nikkei properly handles personal information, by classifying personal information in the following manner in accordance with the relevant laws and regulations, as well as based on the characteristics of the respective business activities in which personal information is to be handled.

Tsuyoshi Hasebe
President and CEO
Nikkei Inc.

1. Handling of personal information for purposes of use thereof in the press and written works (Areas to which the obligations prescribed in the Personal Information Protection Act do not apply)

The obligations of a “business operator handling personal information” prescribed in the Personal Information Protection Act do not apply to personal information to be used in the press and written works. Nevertheless, Nikkei voluntarily takes thorough measures to ensure proper handling of personal information, by respecting the purport of the Personal Information Protection Act and also in view of reporting ethics, etc. More specifically, the foregoing relates to personal information which is used for purposes such as:

  1. Editing and publishing newspapers;
  2. Editing and publishing various types of publications; and
  3. Distributing and providing online newspaper editions and other works, as well as article databases, via the Internet and electronic media, etc.

2. Handling of personal information for purposes other than the purposes of use thereof in the press and written works
(Areas to which the obligations prescribed in the Personal Information Protection Act apply)

Being fully aware of its social role as a media organization, Nikkei strictly handles the personal information which is to be used in a variety of business activities operated across an extensive range of areas to support Nikkei’s activities as a media organization, but which is not to be used for press or written-work purposes. Nikkei will basically handle such personal information in accordance with the following handling policy:

  1. Nikkei will identify the purposes of use of personal information to the extent possible, and use personal information solely within such scope.
  2. In the event of acquiring any personal information, Nikkei will give notice concerning, or specify, the purposes of use of personal information to the relevant principal, or make the purposes of use of personal information public on its website, etc. in advance, except in the cases of exceptions as prescribed in applicable laws and regulations;
  3. Nikkei will acquire personal information in an appropriate manner and strive to ensure that the content of data is kept up-to-date and correct at all times;
  4. Nikkei will suitably take security management measures from an organizational, personnel, physical and technical perspective, including taking data security measures to prevent the leakage, etc. thereof and conducting management and supervision, etc. of its employees and contractors;
  5. Nikkei will not provide personal data to any third party without the consent of the principal, except where such provision is otherwise permitted by applicable laws and regulations or an opt-out procedure has been duly carried out in relation to the provision of personal data to a third party, such as by way of notification of such procedure to the Personal Information Protection Commission;
  6. Nikkei will not acquire any “special care-required personal information” except where the principal has given consent to the acquisition thereof or such acquisition is permitted by applicable laws and regulations;
  7. Although Nikkei may provide “anonymously processed information” to a third party, Nikkei will only do so after having deleted the names, addresses, etc. of the principals and having processed the personal information in a manner to make such principals unidentifiable;
  8. Nikkei will make responses to requests for disclosure, etc. of retained personal data received from the principal in accordance with applicable laws and regulations. Furthermore, Nikkei will strive to further develop internal systems and to make appropriate responses to complaints which may be received concerning personal information; and
  9. Nikkei will suitably check its internal management systems and take necessary measures.

3. Handling of individual numbers and specific personal information (“Specific Personal Information, etc.”) as prescribed by the Act on the Use of Numbers to Identify a Specific Individual in Administrative Procedures (the “My Number Act”)

  1. Nikkei will properly handle Specific Personal Information, etc. in accordance with the My Number Act.
  2. Nikkei may outsource the acquisition of Specific Personal Information, etc. and other related affairs in accordance with the My Number Act. If Nikkei acquires any Specific Personal Information, etc., Nikkei will use the same solely for the purposes of use as prescribed in the My Number Act, and will not use such Specific Personal Information, etc. for any other purpose.

The privacy policies, etc. relating to the handling of personal information in the principal business areas of Nikkei are as follows:

- With regard to “Nikkei Online Edition” and other information services, etc. made available based on the use of Nikkei IDs:

Please see “Nikkei ID Privacy Policy”

- With regard to “Nikkei Asian Review”:

Please see “Nikkei Asian Revie Privacy & Cookie Policy”

Matters Made Public in accordance with the Personal Information Protection Act, etc.

With regard to the handling of personal information for purposes other than the purposes of use thereof in the press and written works, Nikkei specifies, in the sections below, all of the matters which are required to be made public in accordance with the applicable laws and regulations. Some of such personal information may constitute personal information handled for the purposes of use thereof in the press and written works, in which event no legal obligations will be assumed by Nikkei (the Personal Information Protection Act shall hereinafter be referred to as the “Act”).

■Making the Purposes of Use of Personal Information Public (in accordance with Article 18 of the Act)

The purposes of use which Nikkei makes public in advance are as listed below. Nikkei may separately give notice concerning, or specify, the applicable purposes of use to the relevant principal, prior to the use of the relevant personal information.

  1. Management of subscribers/purchasers (including applicants for subscription), performed in connection with the publishing of newspapers, books, etc.;
  2. Advertisement business performed in relation to newspapers, books, magazines and other publications or via the Internet, etc.
  3. Holding of various seminars, exhibitions, concerts, etc.;
  4. Business of providing electronic media and database information (including provision of personal information to third parties);
  5. Questionnaires and research with readers, etc. for marketing purposes;
  6. Data processing and other services entrusted by third parties;
  7. Promotional and solicitation activities, etc. concerning the respective products/services performed in connection with any of the foregoing business activities;
  8. Customer management (wherein personal information such as the names of the persons in charge at, or the heads of, Nikkei’s corporate customers are used for communications, or the like, performed in relation to the relevant transactions); and
  9. Employment management and personnel measures taken in respect of employees, etc.
    - Nikkei has separately established detailed rules concerning the handling of personal information of its employees, etc.

* 印の項目は必須項目です。入力漏れのないようご注意ください。

* denotes required fields.

居住国・地域 *
Your countory / region *

性別/SEX *

漢字氏名 / Name *

日本語の場合は姓と名の間にスペースを入れてください/First name, Last name

First name, Last name



電話番号 / Phone Number *

if outside Japan, please enter with country code, too

会社名 / Company Name

Customer reference number

お問い合わせ種別 *
The nature of your inquiry *

お問い合わせ内容 *
Your inquiry *

EEA(European Economic Area)に所在の方へ



Customers in the European Economic Area (EEA)

By submitting an application, customers located in the EEA agree that their registered information will be acquired and stored by Nikkei outside the EEA region.

Note that in addition to customers residing in the EEA region, customers located in the EEA region also includes those on short-term business or travel and those assigned to companies in the EEA region.


As a result of entrustment of business from Nikkei Inc., Transpacific Enterprises will obtain personal information.